Monday, December 5, 2011

FInal Concept Map


For my new part of the website I am going to do a podcast about announcing the play, talking about some of the steps to create it. If you have any questions about Sunday let me know.
Hey Kelsie,
We are planning on meeting this Sunday with as much of our website done beforehand as possible. We want to meet at noon. Let us know if this works!
Hope you feel better, Kelsie!

Sunday, December 4, 2011



Hope you guys had a better weekend then me, I think I have stomach flu. Figured if I write on the blog that I'm going to work on the website i'll get a page down or at least find 3? more recycling websites. Last week before Finals!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Kevin that's crazy! Good Job! See you guys tomorrow and we'll work on the website in lab i'm assuming?

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I finished the 92 page unit plan for my other class (no joke) and the group presentation is done for the same class. Definitely ready to work on the website. Go Lions.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Website ideas

No class next week
Final Inspiration for website
Sangren 1107 for Final Presentation
You don’t want a list of resources!
Highlight, insert to link, web URL choose web address
Here is a general idea site where you can find some ways.
Students make a play, clean-up of one particular lake.
Week 10 lecture for WMU logo, link to EDT site
No lesson plan, no how to write a movie, make it fit
Two pages a piece.
Lesson Plans, podcast, and the movies.
Main Idea: Play created by students about/with recycling?

Category Ideas for website:
• First page: Introduction (together/divided it by 3?)
• Why it is important (first page-side bar)
• What you can recycle? LP Lacie-(Math/graphing)
• How recycling affects our community? LP
• “include Virtual Penpal” Recycling around the world?, Sweden, connecting recycling to the world, include foreign exchange students in school? Etc. (include blog? This is how you can include, it was used for our teachers, but you could also use it with classrooms around the world)
• Literature: How to write a play? (Lloyd: this is how they practiced)
• Creating props/costumes with recyclables and advertising with recyclables (Lacie)
• Putting on the play: (brand new) mostly just ideas
• Include Standards

Putting it on the last page for invitations?
Landfills and why they matter
Water Pollution
Environmental Effects on recycling
Who recycles? Talk about recycling with their parents
Recycling (math lesson)
Where do our websites fit? (web evals)
18 websites (how to make props, how to make a play, web evals, invitations, etc.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I can't remember if I posted something this week

Just wanted to put up a couple of links. I've been messing with that website thing a lot. Here is my JV Basketball site:

I think it turned out well. My video is corny and I am very mono-toned, but here that is too:
keep it real.


Monday, November 7, 2011


How a tree becomes paper and becomes recycled paper again.


I'm making a story about recycling products made into super beautiful art!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Monday, October 31, 2011

Movie Maker

I am planning on doing something on the Kalamazoo Oil Spill. If anyone else is doing this let me know.

Slept In

Sorry class... I accidentely slept in today. I stayed up late doing homework for this other class where my group isn't really pulling their weight. I'm going to try to go into a different lab, I would go in right now, but I live 45/60 minutes away.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Podcast Tomorrow

I'm going to head into the lab after I go to Portage Central to teach. I'll be in at 1 and record 3-5 minutes. I didn't pick out any music, but I figure anything we can put on two loops (like a 5 minute song) would work. I'll make sure they leave the computer on. If you need anything text 269-986-0403, I'll be heading to school/conditioning practice after I'm done.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


So I'm having a slight issue knowing where to pick up with my script for my podcast. I know I am going last but I'm not sure what everyone else is incorporating into their script, so I'm not sure where that leaves me. I will do my best with what we have "yet to do" as a "class" and tweak it tomorrow since we are recording on Friday. :)


I'm doing my script tonight (hopefully), I've been busy but it's my last shift at work for a while, then I'm just coaching. I'll make it 3-5 minutes and be ready to record whenever.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Slight issues with Podcast

Hey guys,
Any chance we can record the podcast on a different day than in class Monday? My grandma passed away and her burial is Monday morning.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Podcast Question

Hey, So I was reading the requirements for the podcast and it says 2 concepts from the textbook. I didn't want to do my script and then us not have that part included or do it and have the same concept as you guys. But, now the more I look at it Lacie, would you be including those because you're doing the section what we are doing.

Monday, October 10, 2011


I'll make up my script this week and post it on here. I'm just going to introduce project base learning and use 3-4 minutes on what is about and how we plan to use it in our classroom. I'm going to introduce myself, any ideas on the transition at the end of my podcast?


In class we were talking about the order of the podcast. We are planning to write our scripts sometime this week on our own so we can have them ready to go and record in a couple weeks. Kevin is going to be the first one to talk. He is introducing project based learning. The second should talk about "what we have done in class" (this can be made up, but use ideas from concept map) and the third person is talking about "where we are going" (what we haven't done yet, what we want to do, etc.) So my question is what person do you want to be? Second or third to speak? It doesn't matter to me, I just want to work on my script because we don't have class next week. Thanks!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lesson Plan Idea

I'm planning on doing my lesson on landfills. With landfills the students will research using hot lists. With this research they will find out how exactly a landfill is put together. They will then collaborate with 2 other students to make the landfill. The ultimate project will have them see how things decompose (i.e. bananas versus plastic). They will then do a presentation on their project in front of the class explaining what they put in there and why. Not sure what else the project is going to be about but this is it so far. For the landfills I am going to get plastic cases so they can see through the plastic (transparent). Then a week after the lesson (should be immediate results with some of it) we can see how certain things decompose.
I found some websites that I am going to evaluate. I have four, but there are so many I might keep looking. The first is recycling-revolution, the second is, the third is, and the fourth is -Lacie

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My why we recycling/ environmental effects Web sites

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you guys know I have my 3 websites. I don't think you guys will have the same but just in case. They are the CRI (Container recycling institution) Recycling revolution, and environment green. All look legit to me. Have a good rest of the week!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Don't forget to blog!

I'll make sure I get the website evaluation done for landfills. Also don't forget about quiz one and quiz two (or your eclicker for tonight). If anyone has any further suggestions about research I can do about our main project let me know.

Virtual Penpals

Kalamazoo Recycling Centers

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